MET3 provides efficiency solutions to meet your needs. We work for you as contractors, keeping costs minimal while providing maximum results.
Governmental Management and Economic Development Assistance:
We evaluate the current economic plan and provide strategies to increase the bottom line based upon 20 plus years of working with financially successful governments.
We assist staff, existing, and proposed businesses, with completion of the necessary approval steps for the expansion of all types of potentially lucrative businesses for you.
Governmental Legal Assistance:
We facilitate expediting legal documents in process, including licenses, 3rd party reviews, etc., thereby bringing immediate and ongoing revenue streams, while always keeping legal terms most beneficial for you.
We tailor Requests for Proposals for proposed vendors to meet your initiatives by structuring RFPs for best pricing, best product, and best turnaround time.
Planning, Building, Public Works;
We fast track entitlements by providing experienced MET3 staff to complete any outstanding jurisdictional projects enabling you to get ahead of deadlines and increase revenue.
We have a host of technical experts in all areas of government that can partner with the applicable departments needing assistance to achieve master plans.
Safety, Connectivity from Telecommunications:
We use our knowledge and experience with all types of telecommunications services to complete necessary telecom tasks for expediting your vital connectivity and safety projects to on air.
We train all applicable city staff departments with telecommunications projects from initial installation design to network expansion enabling your team to self-perform successfully.
Our team works with you to address your immediate and long-term needs. Whether it is short term to get departmental work completed, fill in for out of office staff, or for long term to get ahead of major projects. We will partner with your team to provide quality service for your community.